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date:2024-07-08 browsehttps://bsrummy.in50


BetterStreet, the app for citizen actors in your territory.

Take part in improving your living environment and work towards the preservation and maintenance of your municipality!

As a citizen, you may encounter some inconveniences within your municipality: damaged or deteriorated public furniture, illegal dumping of garbage, lighting or signage problems, etc.

Finding the appropriate city officials and contacting them to inform them about these problems can often be tedious.

BetterStreet helps you report these issues and suggestions to your municipality in less than 30 seconds: take a photo, indicate the nature of your report, add a comment and that's it! Your municipality is automatically notified about the reported problem or suggestion.

**Share your reports in seconds**

The app locates your location. Just take a photo of the nuisance found and that's it!

**Find out about other disorders reported in your municipality**

See other requests reported around you: a tree fell on the road you go to work, your child's favorite playground is being repaired... Stay informed and make your trip easier!

**Easily communicate with municipal authorities**

Save time: no need to call, email or go to city hall. Furthermore, you will be notified throughout the processing of your request (report taken into account, during intervention, processed, etc.)

**Take part in improving your living environment**

Because it is much more pleasant to live in a clean, cared for and safe environment, BetterStreet is the application you have been waiting for to help you take measures to preserve and improve your territory!

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